Kate G.
We received a L2 sphodromantis (giant African) pray mantis that we named Kali (after the Hindu Goddess of death). We’ve had her for over a year, and she is still thriving! She is active, smart, and friendly. We’ve been handling her since she was very small and she seems to enjoy human contact, when she wants to get out of her enclosure she will walk to the opening, stare at us, and wait to be taken out. I wish there was an option to post a picture because she is gorgeous - Kali is a beautiful bright green color with pinkish red portions on her abdomen - and she’s about 3-4 inches long. She’s a fierce and brutal hunter, eating anything from moths, crickets, mealworms, and roaches. Kali has lived much longer than anticipated, and even just produced an oothecae (egg sack). Kali is a spectacular pet, that’s easy to care for, and she’s well exceeded our expectations!