Wonderful pets, educational. Carolina Praying Mantids are an ideal way to control insect pests in the garden without the use of harmful chemicals - a single praying mantis will eat hundreds of insects per season. Praying mantids can are also easy to keep as pets.
The Carolina Praying Mantis is a medium to large mantis reaching 50-65mm in length. Adult males have full-size and fully functional wings. Adult females have wings that are ¾ the length of the body and are not functional. The color of the adults varies by the individual from brown to yellow-green.
Grab the USMantis Mantis Rearing Kit for all the supplies you need to hatch and raise these little critters!
Most customers wish to introduce beneficial praying mantids into their gardens or yards for pest control. If temperature 75-80F and humidity 50%
After the mantid outgrows the fruit flies, feed larger flies like Usmantis blue bottle flies. Feed 2-3 flies every few days. If flies are still present in the Insect Cup at the time of feeding, skip a feeding. Crickets are also a standard to feed mantids when they are an adult, just make sure you are feeding them banded crickets and not house crickets so that you can avoid giving your mantids any diseases or viruses.
We offer live hatched babies and also ooths (egg cases) to hatch yourself up to 200 mantids!
Carolina Mantis Nymphs (Stagmomantis carolina)