Sphodromantis is a large genus of praying mantises concentrated in Africa, sometimes ... African Mantis); Sphodromantis sp. "Blue Flash" Aurea (An unknown species of Sphodromantis from the Congo and is popular in the hobby. These are wonderful, friendly, and beautiful mantis. In my opinion, these are some of the best mantis as a pet.
Temperature / Humidity
This mantis can comfortably be kept between 21 and 28 degrees centigrade and does not need its temperature to drop at night.
Depending on the type of cage, spray or mist it every other day. If it is a netted cage, you must spray it daily.
Feed a large mantis like this 4 to 5 weekly blue bottle flies.
When adult, allow your mantids 8 to 14 days after their final molt before pairing with each other.
Best time to attempt pairing is around dusk.
Place the female in the male's cage, preferably in front of the male, so that the male sees the female, but the female does not see the male and leaves them to it ! The female is aggressive.
If you see the mantids mating, remove the male after coitus and keep it for other females or to re mate after oothecas are laid.
The female, when mated will likely lay an ootheca between 7 and 20 days later..
Nymphs are reddish brown.