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  • Carolina Mantis Ooths, Stagmomantis carolina


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    Cada caja extra grande de huevos de mantis religiosa de Carolina de USMantis contiene entre 50 y 200 crías de mantis religiosa de Carolina (Stagmomantis carolina), ¡esperando salir del cascarón! ¡USMantis te envía estuche de óvulos fértiles! Las mantis religiosas de Carolina son una forma ideal de controlar las plagas de insectos en el jardín sin el uso de productos químicos nocivos: una sola mantis religiosa se comerá cientos de insectos por temporada. Las mantis religiosas también son fáciles de tener como mascotas.
    La mantis religiosa de Carolina es una mantis de tamaño mediano a grande que alcanza entre 50 y 65 mm de longitud. Los machos adultos tienen alas de tamaño completo y completamente funcionales. Las hembras adultas tienen alas que miden ¾ del largo del cuerpo y no son funcionales. El color de los adultos varía según el individuo, desde marrón hasta amarillo verdoso.
    ¡Coge el kit de crianza USMantis Mantis para obtener todos los suministros que necesitas para incubar y criar a estos pequeños bichos!
    Por lo general, los huevos de mantis religiosa eclosionan en un plazo de 3 a 10 semanas. Si desea retrasar la eclosión, simplemente guarde la caja de huevos en el refrigerador en un recipiente no hermético y luego retírela 1 o 2 meses antes de que desee que eclosione. Tenga en cuenta que un porcentaje muy bajo de casos de huevos de mantis religiosa pueden ser infértiles.
    La mayoría de los clientes desean introducir mantis religiosas beneficiosas en sus jardines o patios para controlar las plagas. Si este es el caso, simplemente coloque la caja del huevo (también conocida como ooteca) en una superficie estable y protegida con las "branquias" orientadas hacia abajo. La caja de huevos se puede sujetar con una brida o un cordel. Un buen ejemplo de esto sería colocar la caja de huevos en una jaula o cerca de una planta de tomate. Alternativamente, la caja de huevos se puede incubar en el interior y las crías de mantis se pueden liberar en el jardín después de nacer.
    Si desea tener algunas mantis religiosas como mascotas, USMantis recomienda colocar la caja de huevos para que eclosionen en el interior. Muchas veces, las mantis religiosas pueden eclosionar y abandonar la caja de huevos en menos de 24 horas: ¡es fácil pasarlas por alto! Usando una taza para insectos de 32 oz con tapa ventilada, hacemos 2 ranuras en la tapa y pasamos una brida a través de ella, usándola para asegurar la caja de huevos a la tapa, de modo que las 'branquias' queden hacia abajo. En el fondo del vaso colocamos un par de capas de papel toalla. Cada pocos días, agrega un poco de agua a la toalla de papel para mantenerla húmeda y aumentar la humedad en el recipiente para insectos. Espere que la caja del huevo eclosione en 3 a 10 semanas. Debe tener una temperatura de 75-80F y una humedad del 50%. No podemos garantizar que los dientes nazcan, aunque sabemos que son fértiles cuando se envían.
    Una vez que las mantis religiosas nazcan, ofréceles comida dentro de las 24 horas siguientes o ¡pueden empezar a comerse entre sí! Recomendamos liberar la mayor parte de ellas afuera y alojar las mantis que desea criar individualmente en vasos para insectos de 32 oz con tapas ventiladas. Mantenga una capa delgada de toalla de papel en la parte inferior y proporcione algunos palos o ramitas delgadas para que la mantis religiosa trepe y se pose. Rocíe la taza ligeramente con agua cada 1-2 días.
    Desde la eclosión hasta aproximadamente las 4 semanas de edad, las mantis religiosas podrán consumir moscas de la fruta hydei, que son muy fáciles de cultivar con un kit de cultivo de moscas de la fruta de USMantis. Después de que la mantis supere las moscas de la fruta, alimente moscas más grandes como las moscas botella azul de Josh's Frogs o las moscas soldado negras. Alimente de 2 a 3 moscas cada pocos días. Si todavía hay moscas presentes en el recipiente para insectos al momento de alimentarlo, omita una alimentación. Los grillos también son un estándar para alimentar a las mantis cuando son adultas, solo asegúrese de alimentarlas con grillos anillados y no con grillos domésticos para evitar transmitirles enfermedades o virus a sus mantis.

    21 opiniones
    Comparte tu experiencia
    Suzanne B.
    My mantis casings came and looked just fine as frog hair. I attached one to a small bush in the shade and the other one to a stick, stuck it in a small flower pot and put it in the shade as well. I'm hoping I'll have babies soon!
    Anthony M.
    Was thoroughly impressed to see a local company offering native Carolina Mantises for sale, as well as their oothecas. Purchased these oothecas for resale to my native plant customers and they sold out multiple times. You even threw in a few free oothecas as a thank you. Those that hatched made for very happy customers. Although a few didn't hatch, I know there are certain conditions out of our control as this is a live product so I don't hold that against US Mantis.
    Harriett B.
    Hatched our other indoors and we’re able to place the young mantises where they would thrive in our gardens.
    Justin S.
    Not sure if the success rate because they haven’t hatched yet. Ordering was pretty easy and shipped well. Crossing fingers.
    Dan L.
    I had my doubts for weeks of nothing. Then I got up this morning and they were running around like crazy. I wish I could upload a picture. I'll email it.
    Lewis C.
    I received 2 pods in a bag in a box. However, there isnt any directions. what do i do with the 2 pods?
    Sam J.
    All went well with the process, however now it has been a month and still now hatching and the Ooth is molding.
    Tenika L.
    Was recommended to me through a garden group on Facebook and I'm glad that it was! I was having a cabbage looper problem and they were destroying my mint, so I ordered immediately. I attached the ooth onto my cantaloupe and about 10 days later on my youngest daughters bday I see babies all over my garden! It was the most cutest shocking thing ever and I counted 15 that I could find through the thick brush not sure if there was more, but now there are a consistent 9 and they are very visible in the garden so its safe to say they are doing well and there is plenty of crawling critters for them. I can't believe how big they have gotten so fast and now I'm mad I didn't keep one as a pet! Will be ordering again for garden and as personal pet!
    Nathan D.
    received right away and well packaged.
    Carol F.
    haven’t had a hatch yet, but it is still early. The cases look fine:blush:
    Kelsey T.
    The product I received looks nothing like the photo on their website and nothing like any of the internet images of mantis pods so maybe I got duped. It was a big investment out of pocket as a teacher so disappointed for sure.
    Stephanie G.
    I have had them for about 2 weeks and I have no idea if they will hatch or not. They look the same today as they did when I got them. I placed them in my raised garden and stood one up in the corner and attached one to one the metal cage. Still waiting.
    Steven R.
    The product seemed fine. I saw a nymph yesterday -- July 17, 2022-- that might be a generation removed from one of the oothecae I introduced into my garden last year. Can't really tell, but here's hoping.
    Daniel C.
    I’ve bought quite a few products from here, haven’t been dissatisfied yet :call_me_hand::skin-tone-2:
    Gabe S.
    The ooths came quickly and with stick attached for easy placement for hatching. Very pleased with the experience.
    Kelsey T.
    The product I received looks nothing like the photo on their website and nothing like any of the internet images of mantis pods so maybe I got duped. It was a big investment out of pocket as a teacher so disappointed for sure.
    Tenika L.
    Great! I never raised insects before, and it was a very easy process. I have a huge garden, so I placed them outside attached to my pumpkin vines, next you know babies everywhere! The real beauty was seeing them grow to about an inch and then leave the nest (garden), I named all of them, and a few months later a couple returned huge, healthy, green, and just hung out in the garden with me for hours before leaving again. Will be ordering my own personal mantis but will definitely have garden friends again!
    Arline G.
    Have gotten these a few times now and am always delighted to see many praying mantises in my garden
    Tricia S.
    My ootheca hatched and I got hundreds of nymphs in excellent health! I love them! Thank you so much! :-)
    David Y.
    Everything came packed very well with a heating pack. The ooths are in great shape. Shipping updates were sent on-time and everything worked out great. Highly recommend.
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    Carolina Mantis Ooths, Stagmomantis carolina

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